Monday, 9 December 2024

In the port city of Liverpool, northwestern England

 It's hard not to be infected by a Liverpudlian's love for their own city. For decades this was a hardscrabble town beset by all manner of social ills, but still the love endured, finding its expression in a renowned gallows wit and an obsession with football.

(in northwestern England) The port city of Liverpool forms the nucleus of the metropolitan county of Merseyside in the county of Lancashire. The city proper, a metropolitan borough of Merseyside, forms a crescent along the north shore of the Mersey estuary a few miles from the Irish Sea.
+ The first significant date in the history of Liverpool is 1207, when King John of England granted a charter for a planned new town. The town’s medieval growth was slow, but in the 18th century it became the second most important port in Britain.

+ The first dock in Liverpool was built in 1715. By the end of the century, four other docks had been established along the Mersey, so that the port outranked London in dock space. In 1830 the Liverpool and Manchester Railwaywas opened. A rail network providing access to all major British industrial centers was soon created, and steam ferry links between Liverpool and the Wirral, across the Mersey estuary, were established. This growth was accompanied by high levels of immigration from surrounding areas and from Ireland, especially during and after the Irish Potato Famine (of1845–49).

+ By the beginning of the 20th century, Liverpool had become the center of docks extending along the Mersey from Hornby in the north to Herculaneum in the south. Though more improvements were made to the docks,after WWII Liverpool declined as a port.
Yet, Liverpool continues to exert dominance over the surrounding metropolitan region. The port, besides cargo, has developed as a facility for containerized shipping, and in 2012 it became a terminus for cruise ships.

+ Paramount among Liverpool’s contributions to 20th-century popular culture were the Beatles, who emerged from the Cavern (a nightclub that was part of the city’s musical scene in the 1960s) to become the world’s best-known rock group. Local “performance” poets such as Roger McGough, Adrian Henri, and Brian Patten helped popularize poetry in the 1960s. And from the heyday of the music hall to the radio comedy of Tommy Handley in the 1940s, Liverpudlians contributed to the British comedy tradition. Tourism has grown a lot in importance, including more interest in visiting locations associated with the Beatles.

+ Architectural landmarks include the 18th-century Town Hall and the 19th-century St. George’s Hall; the Neo-Gothic Anglican cathedral, founded in 1904 and completed in 1978; and the Roman Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral, of strikingly modern design. Tate Liverpool (a branch of the national Tate galleries), Merseyside County Museum and Library, the Walker Art Gallery, the Picton Library, and the University of Liverpool are among many cultural institutions. Liverpool also has a well-known symphony orchestra.

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